Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I know, I've gone over a month without bloggifying. :/ Sorry!
So.. what's been going on in my life? Well, hmm. School is in full swing!
My schedule is as follows:
1st-Free Period
3rd-Senior Social Studies
4th-Senior Project Lab
5th-Independent Study; Math
It's a really nice schedule to have! Especially since my senior project is going to be taking place for the most part this trimester.
I am going to be designing and painting the band room. It's going to be quite the job. I'm really really excited though! It'll definitely have it's benefits. Like, for instance, painting over a certain mural.. Yeah, there's a mural that some random art student painted in there years ago that has backwards music notes, and it kinda irks me.. (That's my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder coming out) so I'm really excited to paint over it! :)
What else is going on? Hmm... There was a stake dance a little over a week ago! So great, minus the fact that I have a death cold. :/ But it was still really fun. I definitely enjoyed it! Then on Sunday there was a Seminary Fireside, and that was rather enjoyable too, minus a few things, mainly the bruise I managed to acquire on my leg.. yeah it's still there, it's like 3 inches by 2 inches.
It's huge.
And then last week was homecoming week! SO busy. So much setup and background work! I am the token female member of the tech club. Haha. But it's actually really fun because I know what Brandon is talking about 80% of the time.. well.. yeah. It's nice. Haha.
Then on Saturday. Wow, Saturday was a busy day. At 10 that morning, I went to the school to help set up for the Homecoming Dance (setting up tech) and Brandon and I had to climb under the football grandstands (DISGUSTING) to get his phone, because it had fallen between the cracks the night before. So then we set up tech, then I went over to Jackson Frisbie's house and we ate lunch and I played with his dog while he got his sound recording equipment. Then we went to Suzannah Doyle's house (She's like, the sweetest lady ever) and we recorded a couple of my original songs, yay! They actually sound really cool, and I was really surprised, because I didn't know that my voice sounded like that.. my vibrato is kinda weird.. that's gotta change. Haha. But yeah. Then Jackson brought me home, and I sat around for a while, did some chores, then like right before I was supposed to leave for Homecoming (I was supposed to be there early for tech) I decided I was actually GOING to Homecoming (I was contemplating ditching the whole thing, school dances are kinda really lame) so I got ready really fast and went to the dance.
WHAT A DANCE. Seriously the weirdest school dance I've ever been to. Very random and eventful but not at the same time. Just so weird. Then a group of friends and I went to Shari's, and most of us got Milkshakes.. (Caramel FTW!) and then I came home around 1:30, 2:00.. and woke up at 9:00 the next morning, got ready, and went to Stake Conference!
I loved it. So great! There were so many good talks. I really liked Sister Gibbs' talk. It was so nice. Then they had a lunch thing for all the youth, and I talked with Nancy and Geli a bit, but mainly Michael. Haha. Then there was a fireside session thing for us, and that was good too. So much goodness! :)
Then yesterday I had a terrible fever. I haven't gotten much sleep. But yesterday was really really hot, and I walked home (I live on hill, by the way) and I wore my sweatshirt the whole time, and I was sweating but I was still FREEZING COLD. It was bad. So I went to bed and woke up three hours later, then I couldn't sleep any more.. and so I was awake ALL NIGHT. It was bad. I just layed there.. trying to sleep.. It was upsetting. So yeah. Today was just a normal day, except I auditioned to sing the National Anthem at school events.. but that's not a big deal. Other than that, yeah. Life is great! I love people, especially Geli. Like really, she's such an inspiration to me, and she is such a good example to me. If you don't know her, you really should. She's beautiful and amazing in every way. She's definitely a person worth knowing. :)
I don't really know what else to say, except hopefully I won't be a blogging slacker and I'll post again really soon. :)

1 comment:

  1. What instrument to do play in band? Personally, I play the euphonium.
