I was such a good little blogger for such a short amount of time, blahh. Sorry! I guess life happens and priorities are made, and I totally managed to forget about my blog! D: Okay, my life:
I am currently in full swing of my senior project! IT'S SO MUCH WORK. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS. I am doing a complete remodel of the interior of the band room. Meaning removal of cabinets and such, removal of the carpet, repainting the walls, replacing the carpet, and new cabinets. And there's more! I have to organize everything. AND I have to find a person who can do a mural (Or I'll just do it). I'd rather have someone else do it though, I have enough to do! Besides, that's a new senior project opportunity for someone else.
So basically that has been controlling my life, but when that's not in the way, I hang out with my friends! :D Mainly Geli. I try to see her as much as possible, I love her so much! She's seriously like the most amazing person to ever come into my life. I also hang out with the Carlson boys a lot, they're super funny and great!
Speaking of which: Halloween. I should tell you about it.
So I didn't actually do anything on Halloween, because I'm lame, but I did do something before it!
On the 30th, I had school (even though everyone I was hanging out with didn't)
And so Geli and Ashley came and got me straight after school, (I was already dressed up like Velma from Scooby-Doo, Geli was Daphne) and so we went to Downtown Corvallis, where we were going to meet the Carlsons, and then we had to find Geli's little sister so we could tell her she had Baton practice..? I don't know what it was, but yeah. So we found her sister after running around Downtown for a while, and then we finally sat down at this cafe, and right then the boys showed up! It was SO GREAT. They were Mario and Luigi, it seriously made my life. Hahaha. They pulled it off well! :D I was so proud of them. Hahaha.
So we meandered Downtown for a bit and did some half-trick-or-treating (I didn't do like any, I didn't want to really..) but then we decided we wanted to go somewhere, so we went to Wildcat Park (I don't think it's called that anymore..?) and played Fishy Outta Water (I'm terrible at that game) and it was fun! Minus the fact that if you're it, your eyes have to be closed, and there were tons of stairs and drops on the play structure. Haha.
So then we sat around and tried to decide what we wanted to do for like a half an hour (Power to the indecisive!) and decided that the majority of us were hungry, so we went to Subway (Geli kept trying to make me get something. And I really appreciated the offer, but I didn't feel good.)So they got their food and I just sat there (It was pleasant, I needed a chance to breathe, I felt gross) and then we raced to the Carlson's house, and of course the boys won (considering it's their house). So we got there, and decided we wanted to play a game, so first we played Apples to Apples (I kept winning cards with traits similar to a freshman girl, Michael kept getting ones that were masculine and such, Matt got like 40 billion cards, and they were so random, Geli got a bunch of really pleasant cards, so did Ashley.) And then we played moods (I'm not very good at that game either..) and then we played this game with candy bars wrapped in paper (it was doom, really) and they were hidden in this huge bag of newspapers.. and you had to find the candy and unwrap them while wearing winter gloves.. it was so difficult, and I was terrible at it! Haha. Geli was a WIZARD at that game, it was insane. She got like 8 candy bars(which she later split up among us). And THEN we decided we wanted to watch a movie, and decided it'd be a good idea to go rent one. So we crammed into Geli's car (okay, it wasn't really cramming, but there were 5 teenagers in a Civic, so think about it.) and we went to rent a movie, and decided 1408 was a good idea for renting. So we watched it.
TERRIFYING. It was scarier than I expected. I jumped several times! Geezaloo.
I felt so tired though (I had a longer day than everyone else, ha) and so I kept like half dozing off, and I'm pretty sure I did fall asleep for a bit once or twice.. And for some reason, I was ridiculously cold! I was wearing a knitted sweater and sweats and I was using a blanket and I was right next to Michael, and I was still freezing. I don't even know. It was ridiculous. I think that was the beginning of this deathcold I've managed to acquire.
But yeah, we ended up leaving at like 11:00? Maybe later. I don't remember. I was so tired! It was so fun though, definitely amazing, and it freaked out Geli and Ashley and I for a good amount of time!
Then this last weekend, I stayed the night at Geli's house! And went to church with her on Sunday, it was marvelous! I really like her ward a lot. :) The people are pleasant.
The first time I stayed the night at her house was the week before Halloween, and I stayed there because my parents went up to a lake cabin, and I didn't wanna go (we were going to the Corn Maze.) and so I stayed at Geli's and went to church with her!
CORN MAZE! It was great! I kept getting so scared! I personally think it cost too much for the amount of scaring they did, but it was still good! I like clung to Michael's arm, I swear I almost tore it off once or twice. Ha. It was Me, Michael, Alex, Matt, Geli, Caitlin, and Scott. It was fun! :D I squealed a lot, it was great. Ha. There was only one part where I think Michael got truly startled (lame) and that was this porta-potty! It was so weird. Like seriously. We walked past it, and it shot out a jet stream of water! And it was terribly intense and pressured water, it was scary. Haha.
But yeah, Corn maze was great!
I don't know what else to talk about, there has just been so much going on! I love my friends, and I love the influence they have on me and make me want to strive to be! It's amazing.
6 Jun 2011
13 years ago
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